This morning was beautiful. I slept like a rock then Tiffany made coffee and pancakes for breakfast. She works for the post office and had the stuff I needed to send home all boxed up and ready to go. (p.s. Mailmen are people too, leave them snacks or water, it'll make their day)
The ride was so gorgeous, but windy and everything was getting in my eyes and all itchy. I rode through a nature preserve and pushed Phattie over a few ridges then ate fajitas while riding along the Delaware River.
The heat broke and the weather is perfect. At the water gap I hopped on the A.T. To get across the bridge to Pennsylvania where I met a lady, Croft, who was on here last mile and a half to finish the whole trail!
I just met some more angles at an ice cream place off 611 in pa. I stopped in because I saw a loaded tandem and met Mike and Bernice. They came all the way from Florida and have done other cross country rides with their kids. I hope to be able to do stuff like that with my kids. They also have the same feet tan lines as me and they bought me icecream and refused to take the change. Then in line, two other ladies started talking with me, one was from Detroit. We were talking and the one almost started crying like I do and she just gave me a big hug and $20. I didn't even know what to say, I'm set for the next month.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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