I started goin through my pictures and it's almost like im in denial that I did all that. It's like a dream. I mean, I rode my BICYCLE from Maine to Florida? What the HELL was I thinking!?!? I could have died!
But I didn't :)
All I wanted for breakfast was a bagel and cream cheese from dunkin donuts. Now I don't know why i thought .6 miles was to far but I some how got sucked into the restaurant five feet from my hostel. So here I am, standing amist all these beautifully done up people with my hair in a messy ponytail on the side of my head, pj shorts with my oversized Georgetown fireman t shirt and sandals I didn't even bother to strap behind my heels.
They wernt busy so they BOMBARDED me, maybe they thought I was some strung out rock stars kid because they were like overly polite vaulchers. My breakfast was out in ninety seconds and gone in fifty. I guess I was hungry..
Honestly am so tired I don't want to do anything besides lay in this bed with the air conditioning blowing over me.
I packed up my stuff pretty good, got it all into three of my bike bags, one of the bags fit in the other, made some phone calls to bike shops and headed to one about a mile down the road. I really almost started crying in the shop when I was taking off here mirror. I can't believe we're parting ways, she's the only one who has been with me through the whole trip. I think I'm loosing it.
I just tried to check my mirror while walking down the sidewalk..
It's so hot walking down the road in street clothes. I don't know how people do it, I miss biking in my shell jacket and bikini, and at least then I had a breeze to keep me from dying.
About a half mile down the road, I was almost to Starbucks and air conditioning, I realized something was missing. My helmet, crap, I left it on the counter at the shop.
The last thing I wanted to do was walk another mile in this heat. Made me really appreciate my cell phone when I called the shop back and they said it was no problem, they would just throw it in the box with patty. Oh poor patty, that thing stinks.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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