Sunday, July 13, 2014


We have a bit of an issue here at the lodge. In order to get anything out here, we need to order it and have someone on the mainland get it. So for a Costco order last week we ordered 1 pound of bananas. This is already an issue because bananas on the boat is an old back luck superstition for captains. It is said that on long voyages the chemicals in bananas when they started to rip would cause all the other fruits to ripen and rot before the boat could reach its destination. B, one of our main captains wont allow bananas onto boat. Sometimes we are able to sneak them on if we label them as plantains. 

So we had this Costco order filled out saying we needed one pound of bananas. I was in town last week when C, one of our office workers was excited saying she was glad B wasn't working so we could finally get all the bananas on the boat out to the lodge. I didn't pay much attention to that statement until I walked into the kitchen a few days later to five crates of bananas. Who ever interpreted the Costco ordered interpreted 1 pound as 100 pounds. 

The kitchen has been trying to freeze them and make everything banana. Banana cake, banana break, bananas on dessert, banana desert. With all the effort if feels like barely a dent has been made.

Now, I felt extremely prepared for this banana crisis after my roommate in collage attempted a banana cleanse with her boyfriend. She had given up after 7 bananas with over a hundred to go I learned the best way to consume them is to blend them up and drink them for breakfast, can get about 5 down in a morning that way no problem. So the bananas here are starting to go, so this morning I made banana yogurt, strawberry coffee smoothies and knocked out almost thirty of them. Over did the coffee, everyone is tweaking out now. 

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