This trip had been the opposite. Time alone is unheard of and there has been little to no time for eared legroom or writing. It is straight up type one fun with good people. Ever since I met willie and Lisa my days have been full of positivity.
I have spent the last week in the Bay Area. Rolling across the sanfrancisco bridge at sunset after a solid seventy mile day with Lisa willie Silvi and Albert. I was really struggling those last few miles. They were flying up the steep hills laughing and joking as I struggled to pull up the rear a consistent 30 yards back. I didn't understand how they had so much energy left. It was amazing being with them but hard being surrounded by happy couples. Sharing gear, food adventures. It would mean the world to share experiences like this with someone close to me, a significant other, a family member.. I have such amazing experiences and I feel those experiences bond people and it's hard to know or to feel I'm missing out on potential bonds. That's why it's so great traveling with Lisa and willie. They are such positive people and together they are a force of happiness. So many laughs, sometimes I have a hard time staying in my bike. But still watching all these couples is hard, it would also be pretty sweet to split this weight with ha.
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