So we stopped at boya lake and it was beautiful. Wanted to camp but needed to get a bit further. For some reason I thought Dease Lake was only 40 Miles's, I think we drove another two hours.
I'm really bad with music and who knows what is on my iPod. I had audio books so whenever I play music on shuffle David Sedaris or 1984 comes on randomly. I made the move to knock out the audio books and put my new iTunes library on. I stole all my music literate friends libraries so figured that sound be a good idea. Now with 36 days of music how could I go wrong. Well, for the last 5 days we have been trying to find good songs. We made a rule that we have to put it on shuffle an listen to the song. That rule went out the window after a snoop dog song that said fuck me over thirty times
We got to the campground and it's pretty rainy and dark. Not really wanting to set up my tent in this. There are holes in the rain fly and we lost our ground tarp out if one of the kayaks.
There is a pbc set up shelter across the way. Looks like it used to be the picnic area but there was no tarp covering. Thank goodness we didn't leave my massive tarp back in Tok. We got it up pretty quick using bungies and para cord. I was so impressed with Mikal when I saw she used one of my big fish hooks to secure the last corner.
I let the Nutt out and he didn't like the rain so he hopped back in the car. His wet paws tracked the cat litter all over so I put the box under the car and let him out for the night.
I guess Nutt doesn't like the rain. I just woke up to him pressing the screen against my face trying to get into the tent. We wouldn't let him in because he'd pop our sleeping pads. He didn't like that and the next thing I know he is crawling up my tent under the rain fly hanging down on top of me. I had to wake Mikal up to help me get him down and back in the car.
I went to put his box back inside with him and couldn't really see because my headlamp died but felt a mucky slush all over my hand. I grabbed a a light, half the box was full of water. The cat litter had turned to a mucky mess.
I didn't want to dump it in one of chucks nice camp sites so I thought id be helpful an dump it down one of the pit toilets.
Well. I put the toilet seat up and started to dump the corner in. I didn't plan for the muck to stick so all the loose liter spilled over all over the toilet seat and the floor. I couldn't leave cat litter there , sweet old chuck knew I had a cat, who else brings cats to camp grounds so I couldn't blame it on anyone else. I tried to scoop it all off the seat and into the pit, then I had to get on my hands and knees and pinch by pinch pick up the rest of the litter.
So I still had half a muck in the box so here I am in the dark, pouring rain, walking through a wooded camp ground with a litter box. Trying to find a discrete place to dump the rest of the mess..
And you are not even pedaling yet.... we are 1340 or so miles south of Seattle in Santa Barbara enjoying a rest day
Enjoy--- #livinlife
Mike & Bernice
WOW, you sound great. Challenged by cat litter, and here I am worried about you and bears. Glad you are happy and well. Margaret (from the Missouri knit hat clan)