Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Portage Glacer vs. Grace and Mikal 1 - 0

Mikal and I are trying to leave Girdwood, both of us have our stuff all folded into piles all over our rooms just not really knowing what to do with it, guess maybe we shouldn't have gone out to the dive last night with friends. 

Da Nutt is running around the house like crazy, making friends with all the dogs and catching bugs out of the air. I swear that cat was meant for me, what a chameleon. I sure do hope he does well on this road trip. 

Yesterday I took Mikal to the hotel, she is wanting to get a job at the spa this winter. We biked around Girdwood and were both just in aww of how beautiful it is. We tried to go shopping, gonna make it a plan to buy one cute girl outfit for our trip so we can fit into society, but both of us forgot out money. I think we are going to make a great team.

We just got back from kayaking out at Portage Lake. I’ve never been there before and thought it would be a good idea to take the cheap whiskey. Somehow along the way we made it a rule the handle had to be gone by the end of British Columbia and it can only be drank in the kayaks... 

The glacier was amazing! much smaller than Aialik or Pedersen so I felt we were able to get much closer. we pulled our boats up on the moraine and instantly ran to climb the cliffs next to the ice. the blues we unreal under the cloud cover. 

Portage just calved. Mikal was like look at the wave! my eyes shot over to the boats as I watched them get sucked out into the lake and under the water. The blue one popped up and with the next set of waves and washed up 30 yards on shore. We booked it down the rocks to try and save the red one which was now rolling in the surf. I tried to walk out to get it, the surf coming up around my legs suctioning my rain pants to my body, feeling oddly familiar. It took a good 5 minutes of me trying to grab the boat with each wave. Finally I was able to snag her as I watched my last bag of jelly bellies float out of reach.. they were the only casualty. 

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