The day was so horrible, I mean just freezing cold and rainy right from the get go. I woke up in a puddle in my tent and my face was so swollen I could hardly open my eyes. Packing up camp in the rain is pretty miserable, even when your face doesn't look like this...
But it got better when steve made us breakfast. We had fresh bacon from the farm, fresh blueberry sausage, home made bread and scrambled eggs with cream cheese, AMAZING. It was then at breakfast when Steve's little girl told us Stephen King grew up down the road and the cemetery that inspired him to write pet cemetery was directly across the road. Woah. If that wasn't enough the guy who's mom used to edit Stephens short stories came in and said hi while I filled up his water bottles.
We got on the road and were soaked within five minutes and so so cold and still hungry. We got into the next city and into a Dunkin Doughnuts to thaw out, dry out, unload, and re load. I didn't want to leave.
We turned onto road 35, traffic picked up, the shoulder disappeared, and construction started.'it stayed like that for over thirty miles and both Joe and I were pretty shook up from the stress of trying not to die.
We made a few more stops then were on this long stretch of road with no bathrooms and only beer cans and banana peels on the side of the road. It got to be to much And we were so hungry when we finally found a gas station, one of those connected to a house, but the old man running it wouldn't let me pee. So I sat outside in the drizzle and made pasta sides and ate chocolate instead.
Things started looking up when Joe found the chocolate my grandma gave us and we ran into a porta potty.
We were still exhausted and miserable. We were both out of clean clothes and all of our stuff was soaked, we were going to have to find a hotel in Kennybunk with a laundry mat nearby. We were getting close tongue city when we turned the corner and started climbing a hill. There was this georgous bed and breakfast looking building with people everywhere. I figured a family must have rented it out for a party. They all looked so happy despite the weather. We pass the driveway and I hear someone yell. YOU WANNA BEER? Joe turned was turned around and almost in the driveway before I had time to process the question. All we had wanted the whole crappy day was a beer.
It ended up being the guy who flagged us downs 22 birthday and the bed and breakfast looking place was his grandma's and the whole rest of the family lived on the property to. There was so much going on, so many people and food and love. They easier where we were stayin and we said we were trying to get to Kennybunk. Well this is Kennybunk! Why don't you stay here? You can sleep in the barn and set up your tents to dry out. More people came to greet us. Oh hunnies, do you need a shower? You laundry done? Are you hungry, were making beef tips on the grill. Do you like steamers are you shy? Just go right inside and introduce yourself. And if you meet Mimi giver her hugs and Nancy has the steamers.
My head was spinning, I couldn't believe it. As soon as we walked in we were bombarded with love. The house must have had fifty smiling redheads in it. Someone sat us down and put another beer in front of me and cupcakes. then I think this super chatty full of love lady, Lin, brought over a huge bowl of what they call steamers, clams. She showed us how to pull off the dark part, rinse them in salt water befor dipping them in butter and mowin down.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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