So I already forgot my passport and ended up stayin in Creek again. Went to a friends and passed out on the couch until their mom kicked me out at three so I went home and snuggled with Alena. Six a.m. came real early and Joe beat me to my grandma's at eight. Their septic tank exploded so Joe and grandpa went to buy a new one and mom and grandma mopped up the flooded basement, I packed the car.
We left at nine. My mom stayed to finish up the basement. Fifteen minutes into the trip I get a message from her that read, Shit. Followed up by a picture of he soaking wet. The pipe above the tank blew up and showered her with water and sand. It was dark and she said she felt like she was in the sinking Titanic, poor Mumma.
The weather is pretty yuck yuck. It's 46 and rainy which made visiting Niagara Falls on the Canadian side a puddle stomping experience. It was still incredibly beautiful in the mist, so much energy for such a little place. My grandpa says they turn the waterfalls off at night, but he likes to pull my leg.
P.S. (by septic tank I meant sump pump)
We made it to Rochester, it's all cold and drizzly out. Joe and I walked to Wendy's to try and find a bar with no luck. I called my friend Dan, who ended up only living four miles from our hotel but he's in Iowa. So I called an old friend from Northern and he only lives five minutes away and he's Gina pick up me and Joe soon to show us the town : )
Anthony took us to a bar with live music and we got Holy Moses's!! Then he took us down town Rochester to the Lux. It was a really neat bar/lounge with arts and crafts and naked lady table legs. Anthony took us the scenic route home, showing us more of Rochester. It wouldn't be an ad place to live.
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