So my spirits are back up, mornings are always a little tough,'transitions always are. We got to sleep in the camper and had our own bathroom, it was so nice. Both Derek's and Danielle's prom is today, prom feels like yesterday.
We said our goodbyes, packed up the food they bought us and headed out.
The morning was so beautiful and so quiet. We rode through rural MA into rural RI then into rural CT. I thought we were going to die. Eight-six degrees and CT hills kick Maine's hills butts. Even Joe had to get off and walk his bike. Our water was almost out and what we did have was warm. We took a break on the side of the road and now we are chillen at a bike shop with the owner and she is telling us all sorts of crazy stories.
As for the solo touring thing, now that the pms is pretty much out of the way I'm feeling a lot better about it. It's not that I don't get scared or nervous, cause I do. I miss the security of home and my family so much, when I think about it my eyes get all wet and I choke up a little. But hat means I have something good, and if I didn't leave them I may never have realized how good I have it.
We got pizza in stafford springs and I almost found us a place to crash, almost. So we ended up riding out to a campground. I cried the whole way. A few people stopped to talk to us but I couldn't say anything, I don't do well away from family on holidays.
The guy with the handlebar mustache at the campground was awesome! I wanted to tell him but I couldn't. I ended ip squeaking a few words out after my shower ( they were the nicest campground showers I've ever seen and HAD to tell him )
I walked around the campground and looked at all the families. A girl showed me the polliwog she caught then on my way back to camp a group of seasonals flagged me down. They fed me steak off the fire and invited me into their group. Later we had cheesecake factory cheesecake and margaritas. They tried to convince me to stay another day but I really need to get on the road and get over this transition, but I might take them up for breakfast :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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