Thursday, September 25, 2014

First night survival

So I made the decision to leave the Nutt in the car despite is protesting. He took it out on us this morning when we were all packed up getting ready to leave and he slipped out. Straight to the woods. Always just a few feet in front of him. At one point I full out lept for him, got one leg, knocked the wind out of me then he was gone.

We stopped in Tok for a good three hours doing some last minute things before heading into Canada. Mikal made fun fetti pancakes my mom sent me last winter and we took the snow bike out to get some first tracks. 4 inches of snow in some places out here. 

We stopped at the Yukon sign before the border to get pictures. We both had to pee real bad and there were no bathrooms so we went on the side of the road. I mean, one of those pees that just keeps going, there were no cars at first then we heard one coming we pray they just keep going and try to duck lower. I head the car getting slower then saw them pull up right behind us and pretend not to look as we shot up pulling our pants up laughing. 

They were two boys who were wffing in Delta Junction and Homer. One had steri strips crossed over his forehead, Mikla asked him right off what he did, guess he shot a gun and the scope came back and knocked him in the forehead, I know how that feels. They gave us fresh apples, they couldn't take them over the border. Guess we hope the don't search our car because we have a lot of things we have a lot of things we probably shouldn’t and the Nutt.

I have never gotten through the border so easy. I think the lady felt bad she only had dog treats and let us through. 

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